
and welcome...

I am Yamini Gupta - a healthcare professional, writer, creator, and self-help enthusiast.  I love traveling and seeking answers to the question why?

Why 'WHY? Gupta'?

This story stems from an incident that happened a few years ago. My husband and I were involved in an engaging discussion.

Engaging enough for me to interrupt him, often, with curious 'whys'?.

At one point, he was so exasperated answering my questions he said, "Your name should not have been Y Gupta; it should have been WHY? Gupta"

And that, my friends, is how this blog got its name :)

In short, I am a curious explorer and a storyteller - I like to try new things to answer my whys', and write about my explorations, hoping they answer some of yours.

What will you find in 'WHY? Gupta'

  • Travel stories
  • Stories of self-growth and
  • Ideas, people, and books that helped these stories come alive

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